Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I miss my niece and nephew!
Here are some photos my cousin Pamela posted up on her Facebook
Aaaaah so cute!

She's so big already!

Pamela: Courtesy of Ciarra and we were told to pose holding hands and touching rocks

Bet it's one of Ciarra's weird ideas
I can imagine her saying "touch the rocks!"

Our little Isaiah!

Pamela: Ciarra teaching Grand Uncle Daniel how to do yoga

If only Sunway Pyramid has that red thing, I would not have fallen on my bum and had to wait for the guard to come to my rescue

Look ma, no hands!
I can't believe she can skate now
And I still can't

Awww look at Isaiah!
So adorable!

And my cousin got featured in a magazine!

Little to Lethal wey!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

U've got a pair of cutie pies there! ^^